KoGas Archives | Be Korea-savvy
KOGAS Head Calls for Gradual Hike in Gas Price to Address Financial Burden

KOGAS Head Calls for Gradual Hike in Gas Price to Address Financial Burden

SEJONG, May 22 (Korea Biziwre) — The head of the state-run Korea Gas Corp. (KOGAS) on Wednesday highlighted the need to gradually raise gas prices as early as possible, ahead of the winter season, to mitigate the impact of the hike on consumers. The remark came as KOGAS has been facing financial difficulties due to its inability to raise utility costs enough to address fluctuations in the global market for liquefied natural gas. “KOGAS is currently maintaining its operations through loans due to the [...]

KOGAS Produces First LNG at Gas Field in Mozambique

KOGAS Produces First LNG at Gas Field in Mozambique

SEOUL, Nov. 15 (Korea Bizwire) — South Korea’s state-run gas company Korea Gas Corp. (KOGAS) announced on Monday that it had started producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the Coral gas field in Mozambique, and the first shipment had been completed. The project uses a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility to extract gas from [...]

KOGAS Building Hydrogen-producing Convergence Charging Stations

KOGAS Building Hydrogen-producing Convergence Charging Stations

SEOUL, Oct. 27 (Korea Bizwire) — South Korea’s state-run gas company Korea Gas Corp. has announced plans to set up so-called convergence charging stations that can directly produce and supply hydrogen for vehicles. KOGAS said Wednesday it had established a joint venture called HyStation to build and operate liquefied natural gas (LNG)-based hydrogen charging stations [...]

KOGAS Signs Biz Tie-up with Sempra Infrastructure

KOGAS Signs Biz Tie-up with Sempra Infrastructure

SEOUL, April 4 (Korea Bizwire) — South Korean state-run gas company Korea Gas Corp. (KOGAS) said Monday it has signed a business partnership agreement with U.S. energy infrastructure firm Sempra Infrastructure. KOGAS said the memorandum of understanding, signed in Houston on Friday, calls for cooperation in such business areas as liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen [...]

Korea Line LNG and KOGAS Gear Up to Launch LNG Bunkering Business with Shell

Korea Line LNG and KOGAS Gear Up to Launch LNG Bunkering Business with Shell

SEOUL, March 22 (Korea Bizwire) — Korea Line LNG Co., a midsized South Korean shipping company, and the state-run Korea Gas Corp. (KOGAS) have launched a liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering business in collaboration with Shell Plc, Europe’s biggest oil firm. The two companies announced on Monday that they had taken delivery of the LNG [...]